TRADISIA™ ...where individuals live impeccably without rules!
The things you ought to want may not be the same things that
you now want or have always wanted. It is easy to know what
you want. It's harder to know what you ought to want.
It's harder still to know HOW to get what you ought to want.
Tradisia has the answer. Look and you will find it... :)))

                                                                                                                        As I shod myself, I mused on my mother's action that was neither funny nor creative. My malice knows no limits since I lay me down to sleep and prayed God will remember me... Hey, God, get ready for ME!

Change, Greatness, Wisdom, Knowledge

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God is a truth but not the absolute truth. There are no absolutes in life. Not in nature, not in the universe, not within you. Everything in life is in a constant state of change.     Mission         Manifesto         Guestbook        Tan         Tradisia

Tradisia is Life, Money, Success! Tradisia is living beyond the blatant materialism, beyond time management, beyond a positive mental attitude, beyond the spirituality preached by organized religions.   

WB00682_.gif (1507 bytes)This one is for Walter who is growing and developing into a successful person. The song playing in the background is "Against the Wind" by Bob Seger. Here's a prompt for you to be in attunement with the life force within.

You should be suspicious of the motives of anyone who belongs to an organization or institution. God is life and has nothing to do with any organized religion, organization or institution which are all invented by one group of humans to control others.


PULSAR.GIF (2171 bytes) No one can practice the philosophy of hate or intolerance and still claim to be religious, righteous or holy. God cannot reside in the heart of a person who supports or commit acts of intolerance against others, no matter how they may be justified. You cannot hate and love at the same time.

There is only one way to remove all the elements of ignorance, vices, boredom and poverty. What is it?  Remove all the organizations and institutions.    Everybody changes except the foolish and the dead.

You will believe only what you are capable of understanding. And you will only act positively when you understand what you believe or have learned from what you understand. PULSAR.GIF (2171 bytes)

PULSAR.GIF (2171 bytes) To pass from ignorance to wisdom is an essential element of growth. Anyone can grow old but only the wise grow up without losing their ideals and their ravenous appetite for more of life's adventures.

Greatness begins within yourself. You grow to greatness when you grow up to be simply yourself and help others grow to be themselves. As long as you are truly and completely yourself, you will always do things better than anyone else in your chosen field of endeavor. PULSAR.GIF (2171 bytes) Make the most of what you have and you will grow to be the best that you can be. Which is simply "You".

The best reward you can receive for having helped others is not money, fame or power but the knowledge that you have done something good. PULSAR.GIF (2171 bytes) That knowledge will be permanently recorded in your subconscious to make you a better person.

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We need to distribute the world’s wealth equally to all its inhabitants since every one is an integral part of life and has a unique role to play in helping on the purpose of life.


One reason people get divorced it that they run out of gift ideas.

Robert Byrne


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Educational, social, economic, political and religious institutions are sources of much useless knowledge that corrupts your imagination, that stifles your creativity, that cripples your emotional being! Beware!    I can, I will, I dare, and I do!

TORCH.GIF (13045 bytes)Send mail to  [email protected]  with your comments and suggestions about this site.
Tradisia is Life Without Rules. All that you need to do to succeed today may be to rise a little higher above your present self-imposed limitations.    Copyright � 1998 by TRADISIA. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: September 29, 1998
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