This one is for Walter who is growing and developing into a successful
person. The song playing in the background is "Against the Wind" by Bob Seger.
Here's a prompt for you to be in attunement with the life force within.

No one
can practice the philosophy of hate or intolerance and still claim to be religious,
righteous or holy. God cannot reside in the heart of a person who supports or commit acts
of intolerance against others, no matter how they may be justified. You cannot hate and
love at the same time.
Everybody changes except the
foolish and the dead.
You will believe only what you are
capable of understanding. And you will only act positively when you understand what you
believe or have learned from what you understand. 
To pass from ignorance to wisdom is an essential
element of growth. Anyone can grow old but only the wise grow up without losing their
ideals and their ravenous appetite for more of life's adventures.
Greatness begins within yourself.
You grow to greatness when you grow up to be simply yourself and help others grow to be
themselves. As long as you are truly and completely yourself, you will always do things
better than anyone else in your chosen field of endeavor.
Make the most of what you have and you will grow to be the best
that you can be. Which is simply "You".
The best reward you can receive for
having helped others is not money, fame or power but the knowledge that you have done
something good.
knowledge will be permanently recorded in your subconscious to make you a better person.
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One reason people get divorced it
that they run out of gift ideas.
Robert Byrne