one is for Melanie for constantly growing in maturity and wisdom. The song playing in the
background is "You will see" by Madonna. You will see your fears dissolving as
you build your faith in YOUR OWN beliefs.

Your life is lived in the present. It is what you are
thinking, feeling and doing right now. How you act or react depends on how your will has
been influenced.
Your daily life is ever-changing from good to better or
worse, depending on how you have lived your past moments and you handle your present ones.
What happened has happened.
You cannot live in the past or the
future. You cannot change your past but you can change the way your subconscious
interprets the facts as you consciously learn lessons from your experiences.
Your time now is your most precious moment if only you know what
to do with it. Enjoy it by acting your best on your best thought today.
All the greatest wisdom comes from having lived
through great difficulties and experiences. Accept your past and the responsibility of
having lived in the way you did. It is from your failures that you learn the most
important life lessons. 
Your present is conditioned by your experiences and your
expectancy of what you want in the future.
Combine your past influence and your present
actions and you get your future. How you will act in future depends on how you have been
influenced in the past and how you expect your future to be.
Past + Present = Future.
The kind of person you are now is determined by the balance
between the influences from your negative and positive experiences.
You are what
you are today because of what you did in the past.
Clear your conscience so that your past is cleansed of negative
influences caused by your mistakes and failures.
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- "Adam was the perfect figure of a man, and Eve was indescribably where did all the ugly people come from?" :))

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A man who thinks too much about his
ancestors is like a
potatothe best part of him is underground.
Henry S. F. Cooper

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