one is for Kiranjit who knows that no one was ever great by imitation. The song playing in
the background is "I just call to say I love you" by Stevie Wonder. Justice has
different faces for different people, often disguised, usually unrecognizable.

 | "The universe is made up
of truths. Freedom, equality, prosperity and individualism are truths. If you cannot find
them in this world, it is not because they are lost. It is because you are lost! Sever
your ties, change your beliefs, quit your memberships, start again!"
- Tan Kok Heng

The world belongs to all. The world is made up of
individual life forms under the control of man-made organizations and their institutions.
We are the world but it is not us at all. 
man-made organizations and institutions necessary for our society? No. Are they not even
as necessary evils? Definitely not. How come? Read on and find out about how and why
organizations and institutions promote abuse, injustice, poverty and intolerance.
The wealth of the world belongs
to everyone. You and I have a share. This is a common birthright.
You are born
to be rich because the world is a rich place. No one needs to be poor. No one needs to
suffer discrimination, pain and misery. But everyone suffers although not equally. Those who are in positions of authority are unfairly better off
in all aspects than those whom they lord over. This is the state of the world today.
Through a series of negative
influences from the authority figures you know (your teachers, parents, friends, priests,
relatives, boss, superiors and government officials) you have been tricked into believing
that you have no share at all in the worlds wealth. You have been brainwashed,
tricked and whipped through years of schooling and family life.
The present-day system of ownership of land
and other natural resources is manifestly unwise, unfair and unnatural. If you go back
into the
history of humankind, you will find that land was unfairly claimed, grabbed and plundered
by the strong, the greedy and the wicked. Such
malignant individuals still exist today as the descendants of the ancient scoundrels. |
It is a common but false belief that organizations are necessary because they
represent unity. This is a serious mistake. The ordinary person may think of unity as strength but to those people in
positions of authority, unity is POWER - a usable power which can lead to wealth and fame
with little effort.
Now, why should the worlds wealth be concentrated in the hands of a minority of its
population through various organizations and institutions? A group consisting of the worst
species of humankind! The elite section of society, the rich and the powerful are the ones
who benefit most from organizations and institutions. Every day, in every way, the rich
are getting richer, and the poor, poorer.
For centuries, governments all over the world have pacified
their citizens by giving them the right to light, life, happiness, and to vote, although
with many restrictions. Today, in the information age, it is now becoming more difficult
for governments and organizations to get away with their misdeeds. With the coming of
computers, modern communications, the internet and increasing globalization, you, too, can
now promote your ideas to the world in minutes. You, acting along, can counter the
negative influences of organizations and prevent harm from being done to innocent young
minds everywhere in the world. 
It is not good enough for
people to have a voice in society. Pass the word around. Everyone must have a share in the
wealth of the world. It is the common birthright of all. Education, employment and the right to vote are convenient
ways for the government and other organizations to maintain their grip on the worlds
wealth by diminishing your natural rights to equality, freedom and prosperity.
Secretly, the government and organizations have been brain-washing you
from the day you were born until your death through your parents, teachers, the school
system, the workplace, the radio, television, books, newspapers, magazines and
The aim of education is to guide people to use their thoughts,
emotions and actions wisely in helping on lifes purposes. But your experiences will
show that school is a feudal style prison where the teachers and prefects act like wardens
with you as a paying prisoner. Yes, at school, you pay to get brainwashed, to gather
useless knowledge, to suppress instincts, emotions and mind powers.
School is one of the most peaceful and effective ways for the
government to train a subservient population. You have covertly been programmed to think
of the government and organizations as your benefactors who will take care of all your
needs. The few of us who managed to break away from their influence
have found success, love, fulfillment and happiness. If your life is not turning out the
way you dreamed, it is time to take another route. Dont remain lost in the
system. Dont get wasted away.
Freedom is right. Freedom includes the freedom of speech, freedom
of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and freedom of the body, mind and
spirit. Freedom comes from within and expressed without. If you have never experienced it,
you do not know what it feels to be alive.
Freedom is not rioting, destroying, bullying or hurting other life forms.
Those things come about because of your bondage to organizations and your allegiance to
negative-ness. The free individual lives life with delight without holding any membership,
without following any dogma, without any ambition, without intolerance.
There can be no freedom when so many people live in poverty,
suffer from tyranny or live under the guidance of organizations. There is no freedom when
the world as one social unit is under the perpetual control of organizations and
institutions. How much more
suffering must we endure before we finally learn to say no to prisons,
poverty, wars, intolerance, laws, rules, crimes, tyranny, fears, materialism, racism,
governments, organizations and institutions?
 | Freedom is
your human right to do what you want to do and be what you want to be. Choose to be free,
to achieve your true potential, to be true to yourself, to be healthy, loving and kind, to
be friends with other creative individuals. Life is a choice. Choose freely what you want
out of your life. Dont care whether it is rational or possible now. Whatever you
want can happen for you if you want it to.
Freedom is a religion. Free thinking is a religion. Everyone
ought to be free and have their own personal religion.
All the great religions were intended for use by the
individual individually, not according to the rigid system
imposed by religious organizations.
and prosperity for all are also important human rights. But there is no organization in
the world today willing to promote these natural birthrights. They contradict each other.
The truth is that organizations and institutions are all anti-freedom, anti-equality, and
Freedom, equality and real prosperity are individual in nature
and they cannot mix with organizations which are group power to control individuals. In
the real world, governments and their crony organizations have the MOST rights to anything
and everything!
Freedom, equality, friendship and love are right. You
know that they are right because you have experienced them. When people have experienced
the beautiful things in life, they will stop wanting to cut anothers throats.
 Dare to dream and hope? Use your imagination. You, even
as one, can make a difference to the way things are. The alternative to being an
individual is to be a robot citizen, a member, a follower or a zombie.

The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. It is the same old story. It has been
that way since humans invented organizations in the mistaken belief that it leads to
greater efficiency and productivity. As it is today, only about 10% of the population
enjoy their work and lead useful lives. The other 90% just struggle on in mediocrity, in
ignorance and in misery, doing work they dont enjoy doing.
The world belongs to all life-forms. The worlds resources
for the nonexclusive use of all who need them. The lands,
plants, animals, mountains, rivers, seas and skies are not
the sole property of any government, organization, institution
or any single person or group. The world and its entire wealth
are the common wealth of all its inhabitants equally. |
It is unfair that in the early days
people become the owner of a land just because they were there first to make a claim or
were stronger and more ruthless than the next person. A wrong committed in the past
remains a wrong today. There is no way we can justify dividing Planet Earth among
governments, organizations, institutions and wealthy individuals.
It is time we change the world. Enough is enough! We are born to help on the purpose of life, not to
rape, rob or destroy everything that we cannot accept, understand or agree with. We
dont exist to please any boss, authority or organization.
You should be suspicious of the motives of anyone who belongs
to an organization or institution.
God is life and has nothing to do with any organized religion, organization or institution
which are all invented by one group of humans to control others. We can all live a 100 per
cent every day if we follow our hearts and live more by our own rules than the rules of
Much of the teachings of all the great religious
masters cannot be applied today because of the existence of organizations and
institutions. The good life, as taught in all the great religions, can only become a
reality when there are no organizations or institutions to subvert the wisdom of the
No one ever becomes rich and powerful without
cheating and bullying the poor, weak and ignorant.
Rich people who talk about honesty, ethics, freedom or equality is lying through their
teeth. Lying is an art practiced to perfection by all the rich people. If you want to be
rich and power, you must master the art of lying, among other black arts.
Only the foolish people believe in such false-to-fact
axioms as obligation, obedience, heaven and hell. These and other
nice-to-listen-to-but-utterly-false-beliefs are actively promoted by political, social,
economic, educational and religious organizations to maintain their vested interests.
Isnt there such a thing as a conscience? Sure, there is, but
the conscience of materialistic people is different from those of the simple folks. To
most people, conscience is but the fear of getting caught. People will do evil if they
know they cannot get caught.
That is right. By the very nature of things, every one of us can do both good and bad
things, depending on the circumstances. The line between good and evil is very thin.
It is time for the common people to reclaim their
rights and wealth back from those who have taken control of them unfairly. The world
cannot be a fair place when 90% of its wealth is in the hands of organizations and
Statistics show that only 5% of the population will be financially independent upon
retirement age. What kind of world
is this that condemns 95% of the people to poverty, pain, misery and slavery throughout
their lives?
You can help to speed up the process of change by
being an individual working to change the system in your own way every day.
A better world will come about when there are more positively influenced people to lead
the way.
Everybody is born equal and free. The world can never be a
wonderful place for all people unless there are conditions
which lead to equal rights and prosperity for all.
Equality includes equal rights for ALL people regardless
of sex, age, looks, color, race, religion, rank, educational
level, background, nationality and so on. |
need to distribute the worlds wealth equally to all its inhabitants since every one
is an integral part of life and has a unique role to play in helping on the purpose of
life. There must be equal wages for everyone whatever the
position held since every kind of work is equally important.
People ought to do only the work they have the
talent for. If people stop selecting their work based on ambition, income, power, fame or
greed, they will not need to do the work which they do not enjoy.
When you work because you enjoy doing that kind of work your work
quality will be excellent. There is no doubt about this.
You will always produce your best when you are doing the work you enjoy. 
It is time to reclaim your rights to individualism and share of the
worlds wealth. It is not going to be easy but it can be done.
Dont underestimate your own
ability or those of other individuals. With enough concerned individuals from around the
world to join the fight, we can really change the system. If enough consumers
withhold their spending for a period, the economy will collapse as organizations run out
of cash. If enough borrowers stop repaying their loans, their banks will close down. Every
year, more people are abandoning the religion of their parents and the authorities are
worried sick! Think about it.
If I sponsor ten people to become individuals and
each of them duplicate my efforts then at the tenth level or generation, there would be a
total of 1,000,000,000 individuals. This is a perfect case scenario and in practice there
will be many who cannot make it.
Still, the number of individuals you can sponsor out of the love in your heart for life
can be amazingly large. Think about it. Instead of socializing for sex or favors, why not
do it for a great cause? You, even as one, can make a difference in the lives of many.
Why do you think
life, god or nature gives you such a multitude of abilities, skills and talents? Just so
that you can operate at 10% of your mental capacity and be a member, follower, zombie or a
robot citizen of some organizations? Of course not! So claim your birthright and live your
life your way today! It is creative! It is challenging! It is fun and much more!
Sometimes, we may have to fight and risk our lives. But it will always be worth it because
we are helping on the purpose of life in our search for a better life-style.
Through you, the world will be a better place. Get up and do something
for yourself while helping on the purpose of life now. You can change the way things are
in your society now. You can make a difference in the lives of another. You can. I know you can because I can. What I can do, you can
do, too. Perhaps, even better.
Caring for people, for the world,
and for life is one of the most exhausting yet satisfying things you can do with your
life. It is tough but the tough going will strengthen your character and make living more
What is the mission of all humanity? What is the ultimate goal of
humankind? It is to help on the purpose of life. Others may say it is to help on the
purpose of the universe, to lead a worthy life, to develop character, to pursue happiness,
to achieve greatness, or to do gods work. They all mean the same thing. Life, nature, god, the universe, science, cosmic mind,
magickal energy, cosmic energy and so on are all synonymous. Life remains life by whatever
name people call it.
You are here to help on the
purpose of life in your own way, not to make the government or some organizations rich and
powerful, not to enrich yourself at the expense of others, not to become a slave to
anyone, any power, any thing.
Impeccability rules in the life of a free thinking individual. There is
no violence, trickery, bribery, begging or indignity. The truly free individual does not
have to wear any special badges, uniforms or special regalia. There is no need for any
excesses, fanaticism or nonsense.
You are what you are and no one expects you to be anything but your true self because you
are willing to accept natural responsibility for your actions.
Life is full of choices. Life is
a choice from the day you were born. One of the wisest choices you can make is to decide
to work with those who share similar beliefs and common goals with you.
When you work with other individuals, concentrate on your common
beliefs and similarities, not the differences which are divisive. When everyone is united, it is easier to solve problems
to the satisfaction of all. Find a teacher or mentor who can help you to grow to be the
best you can be.
Happiness is when you are doing
the work you enjoy. Your work is your daily religion. If it sucks then your life sucks, too. Doing the work
which you hate is a guaranteed way to be unhappy. Unhappiness at work translates to a lack
of passion for adventure and for helping on lifes purposes.
Create your own reality by working with me in changing the
system. You create your own reality when you assert your birthright to live
your life your own way. Be your own boss! It is the only way to lead a fulfilling and
meaningful life. No
one has even become happy, rich or successful by working for others nine to five.
How do you become your own boss?
For starters, quit your present job if you hate it. Stop working for any organization. You
will never realize your true potential for luck and happiness if you continue to work for
any governmental, social, religious, economical, political or other man-made
organizations. If you believe in a god, recognize that god is not an organization, not
synonymous with any man-made organization or institution.
Be a true individual. Be free! Be yourself, truly and
completely! God, life, nature, the universe or whatever you call the intelligence that
pervades all around us IS without rules. Your experiences can confirm this. You are an
integral part of the natural pattern. The same life force that rules the universe is
within you. You are the universe in miniature.
I have a Master Plan to change
the world. I call it "Tradisia" or Life Without Rules. Why? Because
all man-made rules, regulations and laws are unnecessary. Rules, regulations and laws are
invented by one class of people to control others. They stifle creativity and prevent people from asserting their
individuality. Rules are valid only when they are flexible, made by you for specific needs
and cause no injustice to others. Any rule which is rigid, intolerant, non-specific,
absolute or harmful to your neighbors is likely to be a bad rule.
Everybody talks about making the world a better
place but no one has a workable plan. Tradisia is different. It advocates a method of
change that is suitable for people of all races, religion, creeds, sexes, and
nationalities. It will help you to get the best out of yourself while remaining true to
your beliefs. It is changing people without having to act intolerantly, without violence,
without giving handouts, without knocking on heads, and without threatening the wrath of
your god.
I do not advocate
any violence, intolerance, handouts or sermons. Rules, regulations, standards and laws
were created by the pen and it is the pen which can change them. Rules look great on paper
but are unworkable because the human being is unique. Rules invariably lead to fears,
injustice, intolerance, evil and all the bad stuff. Your experiences confirm this. History
has proven this. When will people in authority ever learn?
In life, individuality reigns supreme. The right of the
individual is supreme. Hey, this is not my invention. Life makes it so! Every one is born as an individual with unique
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual qualities. You, like all others, are truly
unique. There can never be another like you. So never ever lose your individuality.
All forms of
authority figures - parents, relatives, priests, rulers, bosses, managers, supervisors,
teachers, politicians, bureaucrats and others - are always trying to take away your
individuality from you. They all do it in the name of the law, in the name of god, in the
name of society, in the name of your religion, in the name of your parents, in the name of
whatever which will persuade you!
Authority figures are ruthless, manipulative and
cunning because they want to maintain their authority over you. They seek power over you.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All people holding a position of
authority have power over others and are power-hungry. If not, they would resign from the
position and stop being hypocritical.
Never submit willingly to any
authority, any of the numerous man-made concepts of a god. Every organization has its own ideas of life, god,
nature, universal mind, the cosmic, magickal energy, science, principle or whatever the
name the power of life is called.
If you must serve a higher power, dedicate yourself to the real thing, not the one propagated by some authorities but the
one you have experienced and can live by.
God, by any name, in any form, under whatever conditions, is still the same god. This is
the choice of the true individual. Live by your own beliefs and standards based on your
experiences, not those of other people.
Religious books are not the work of any one god. They are written by
humans based on their own experiences, knowledge and imagination. If religious books are
the work of god, then, logically, any book you write is also a work of god since the same
god or power resides in every person. Strictly speaking, every book, every thing that
exists, is done with lifes (or gods) help. God or life does not belong to
anyone or any one organization. It resides in your heart and in the hearts of all
life-forms. So follow your heart.
Whatever work you choose to do is lifes work.
Doing the work which religious organizations tricked you into doing is NOT doing
lifes work. Be a self-influenced individual so that you know what your talent is and
what you must do to realize your true potential.
It is dangerous to arbitrarily
select one book and proclaimed it as your bible, the one and only book of your god. In
life, everything is important. Every book, everyone and everything are important and
beautiful in its own way with a lesson to teach to all who can relate to it. Just because
you failed to understand does not mean that it is not a good thing.
power of god or life works in everyone equally without any discrimination. Anyone can have
this power if they know how to access and use this power on a one on one basis. The rich
and the powerful know this secret but attribute their success to hard work, skill, luck,
training, experience, capital and talents which, together, is just another name for that
secret power. Submitting yourself to any god, to any religious organization will not gain
you access to the power of god or life. The rich and the powerful are all individuals who
will submit to no organization but publicly pretend to have ties with organizations,
Living your life on the teachings
of other people taken from any so-called holy or religious books will not make you realize
your true potential. Neither does anyone basing his/her life on your book, no matter how
divinely inspired you may think you are!
You ought to base your life on a
knowingness borne of personal experience, not on the experiences of others which could be
false, exaggerated, misleading or even dangerous. The starting point of any achievement is
a belief in a higher intelligence. But if your definition is different, you will travel on
a different path and have different experiences. If your current definition of a god is
not producing the results you seek, it is time to change it.
Handle with skepticism any things which you
cannot see, feel, smell, taste, hear or sense until you can prove their truthfulness or
usefulness. Knowledge which you have not personally tested for truthfulness or relevancy
to your life is not worth believing.
If you cannot accept the idea of a god, then change the definition to
that of 'life' or something else. You can carry it around but not based on your thoughts
and actions on it until you can relate to it. You can relate to the idea of 'life' as a
god because you can sense and experience it. This is responsible living.
You are an integral part of life. You and 'life' are
born to be one. Life is your friend. You dont need to be a slave to your friend. You
dont need to fear life or god because you are friends. You take care of life and
life takes care of you. It is an equal relationship. You respect life, including yourself
which is an individualization of life, and life respects you in return.
Your life will be a successful
and happy one because you value, love and dedicate yourself to helping on the purpose of
life. In other words, you can help on lifes purposes or do your gods work
without having to be a slave or submissive partner to life or god.
When you submit yourself to the god of any
organization, you are actually submitting or enslaving yourself to the organization which
is promoting that concept. It is religious organizations which created the concept of the
human being a slave or minion of the gods.
Dont be tricked by the
cunning of religious organizations to control you. They spend millions of dollars each
year to extend and maintain their power over you. Ask yourself who stands to gain when you
submit yourself to their god? God? Dream on . . . You? Unlikely!
Throughout history, all those who prayed submissively to a god have
never been able to lead the good life they want! Only religious organizations, authority
figures and the system benefit from your submissiveness.
God or life does not profit from
your submissiveness because that kind of negativeness has no power to help on the purpose
of life. Submissiveness, slavery to any god, passiveness, ordinariness, negativeness,
average-ness - these are all habits we need to overcome.
Grow up with me. Join me in the quest to help others to
grow to be the best that they can be without interference from any authority. Lets
make the world a level-playing field for all people.
Take the first step toward
reclaiming your birthright today. Work with me as my friend in helping on the purpose of
life today. You will do the work for which you have the greatest aptitude for. Each one
will change the system in our own unique ways using our unique individual
skills and talents.
Join in Tradisia today. Tradisia
is neither an organization nor an institution. It is a Master Plan for changing the
'system.' It is 'Life Without Rules.' This is the only free religion which is adaptable to
all creeds. It is adaptable to your needs!
The only path which gives YOU, as an individual, complete control over your own life.
There is no other spiritual path in the world today that I know of which can give you true
freedom, equality and prosperity and your very own religion. I want a world where people
can interpret any work of the great teachers in their own way, in the true spirit of
individualism, as intended by the teachers themselves and life. True religion is personal
and individualistic in nature, not general, not regular, not ordinary. Period.
In this Master Plan of Tradisia, your work - whatever it may be - becomes your religion and
life. Adapt whatever you like in Tradisia, even create your own religion, if you like.
Anything is okay. As a Tradisian, you are in charge of your life, making and changing your
rules as you grow and develop your potential in the business of living. Anything you want
is truly possible because you are in charge.
There are no authority figures to obey. There are no uniforms, no rituals, no mystery, no
discrimination, no dogmatism, no orgies, no false sense of security, no exaggerated
feeling of belonging, no forms to complete, no dues. No more imaginary achievements.
Tradisia is free, complete, flexible, simple and positive - everything
you have always wanted your religion to be. It is your own creation. Freedom, equality and
prosperity are what life is all about. Any rule to control them is a rule against the
natural process of life.
Today is a beginning for you. Tradisia is your winning
formula for personal success. It brings you many opportunities for your growth and
happiness. Adventure through life with me. Be a master of your self. Walk with me,
hand-in-hand, as we power-think through the universe and do the things we ought to do.
Work with me in reaching common goals that help on the purpose of life. We are realistic,
optimistic and friends.
Organizations suck the life out of everyone. Dont expect the
government and organizations to take care of you. For thousands of years they never have
and they never will, today, tomorrow or the future. Give up on them now. It is already
common knowledge that the 'system' only favor those in positions of authority and those
who are rich, educated, immoral, ruthless and intolerant. The man-made 'system' punishes
those who are meek, beautiful, ignorant, uneducated or poor. Simple folks suffer in
silence while praying to those gods which their leaders only pretend to respect. Nobody
can hold a position of authority in any organization without lying, cheating, bullying,
prostituting, manipulating or hurting others.
Everyone knows that the people in
authority have the best opportunity, the most desire and the greatest motivation to lie,
cheat, hurt, bully, control and kill. All those who support the government or participate
in the political process have been tricked into doing so without realizing it.
Faith in the government, in democracy, in politicians, in the
system is misguided and blind faith. There has never been an honest
politician. By the very nature of their profession, politicians must lie, cheat, bully,
rob and act ruthlessly. An honest politician is always an accomplished liar. The greatest
predators are not the wild animals but the human beasts - the politicians, business people
and religious officials.
Governments are the biggest
crooks, the worst bullies, the most accomplished liars, the greatest destroyers of the
environment and the most evil of organizations. Throughout history, millions of people
have been robed, raped, plundered, cheated, bullied, and killed by their governments in
the name of law and justice!
Religious organizations have also robed, tortured, maimed and killed
millions of innocent men, women and children, all in the name of a loving god! No wonder
the name of god sounds like a dirty word today! And, when spelt backwards, it becomes a
If governments are so bad why do
the people obey them? People obey their governments because they fear the government,
their zombies, their police officers, their soldiers, their tax officials, their
bureaucrats and other authorities.
People in authority are the most
ambitious of people. Anyone who is ambitious becomes a ruthless and unscrupulous person.
Ambition breeds intolerance, ruthlessness, fears and the vices. Yet, children are taught/brainwashed by their parents and
teachers to have ambitions and be ambitious!
All of us, who
have suffered at the hands of those in authority, know that these people would do anything
to maintain their authority. So be skeptical when dealing with people in authority. If
they care about you or the world, they would resign from their organizations. Since
ancient times, they have only taken advantage of people under their control. Exploitation,
plunder, dominance, obedience, control, power and unequal wealth are the key words of
those who hold positions of authority.
If you want to take charge and turn your life around, Tradisia offers
you the best vehicle and means to realize your dreams. For, in Tradisia, nothing is
impossible. Everything is possible. There are no rules, no restrictions. Tradisia is Freedom, Equality, Fraternity and Prosperity for all
life-forms without any discrimination. Cancel your memberships in religious, political,
social and economic organizations. Such memberships benefit only the authorities. You know
it. Everybody knows it. Break away from those who seek to control your life. Your life is
and will always be your life. You will NEVER be free to live your life your own way until
you sever all ties with all organizations and institutions.
is the only unorganized spiritual path there is which recognizes that the individual is
#1. Always. Deep down inside, you know that you are #1 but you cannot and dare not show it
for fear of breaking conventions and the rules and laws of society. As a Tradisian, you will be finally free to be yourself, truly and
Organized religions teach that the individual should be true to
himself/herself but they dont mean it! The moment you try to be your true self, you
will be breaking some rules or laws and be severely punished. Throughout history, those
who expressed themselves truly have suffered imprisonment, torture and even death. You can
never be yourself if you have to obey, follow and submit to the rules and laws of any
organizations or institutions. People can never be truly free and equal since they allow
others to rule their lives.
I am not against religion or religious values. I am
against religious organizations and their insistence that followers of the faith interpret
their religion one way only (that of the religious organization) as if all people and
circumstances are the same.
There is no one way to do or for anything in life. Any insistence by any organization that
their way is the right one is tyranny. Thus, religious organizations have failed and
continue to fail to promote religion truly, the way it was intended by the great teachers.
For a
very long time, humans have suffered at the hands of organizations and institutions.
Organizations and institutions are trouble. They have been making members, followers,
zombies and robot citizens out of healthy individuals. They create trouble for all those
who submit to their rules and laws. They bring pain, hurts, misery and suffering to all
those who are under their control. Some laws are good but organizations and the
bureaucracy often sidestep them to have more power. Enough is enough!
Life is silent in nature. Oneness with life or a god is silent.
You dont have to shout about it. You dont have to obey all
kinds of silly rules to be one with life or a god. Religion is
religion. It is different from that of a god. God can exist
happily in the heart and mind of anyone without the need
of a religious dogma. In fact, the very notion of a
religious dogma is contradictory to the concept of a loving
god. Religious organizations have committed countless
atrocities against nonbelievers in the name of their gods.
It is convenient for religious leaders and their brain-washed
followers to shift the blame to their gods or to others whenever
they commit acts of intolerance against their fellow humans. |
Tradisia is the fast and easy way to
bring positive results into your life. You will learn how to be fully in charge of your
personal resources which life has endowed upon you. This will help you to be yourself,
truly and completely in living your own life.
In this alliance,
one members problem is everyones problem. We discuss problems openly. Love is
everywhere in a happy freedom-loving family. In the family of an individualist, everyone
is free and equal. No one has to be subservient or obligated to anyone, including the
parents. The members will review each others performance and help whenever they can,
unselfishly and unconditionally.
This is the ultimate challenge for you. Commit
yourself to a great cause or you will be missing the essence of life. Your money, fame,
time, clout and possessions are meaningless if you live only for yourself slaving away for
an organization. Dont waste your life and do a disservice to nature or you will be
forever lost in time.
Many people are
confused and so suffer inconsistent growth throughout life. They will do fine one week,
month or year and poorly the next. They do not know who they are, what they want, and what
they can do the best.
Think of all humanity as your family members.
The world is your home and everyone a family member. There are no hateful persons. There
are only some who are loving and others who are not because they are materialistic and
believe money is love and that no one loves them.
This is a
nuts and bolts plan. Everyone has an important role to play. You will do the
work you truly enjoy. There are no authority figures and no bosses. You are your own boss.
Everyone is a boss. There are no losers, only winners.
Join me in the quest to make the world a level-playing field for all.
Help to save whatever that is left of our world from the animal instincts, materialistic
egoism, and troubled minds of societys leaders.
You can make a difference to the way things are. Everyone has something to
contribute. If given the chance, even a useless person could become a
somebody with a special purpose in life.
In life, change begins at the individual level. If people know how to
grow to be the best that they can be, they will be successful and happy. They will on
their own accord be agents of positive change because they will promote to others the
success system that works for them. As they go around making a difference in the lives of
others, they are helping on the purpose of life. This is as it ought to be.
Do you want a life of worthy
deeds and significant accomplishments? Yes! Do you want your ideas to happen in the way
you want them to? Yes! Do you want a world where there are no unfair obstacles to prevent
you from becoming what you are meant to be? Yes! Join me!
Now, help me to make the world a better place for everyone. You are
helping yourself as you help others. Stop validating your sense of worthlessness by
continued membership in organizations.
What is democracy
but another way for the rich to get richer and the poor poorer? Democracy today is as bad
as communism, fascism or socialism. And, just as tyrannical when it diminishes the
equality of people and develop a cult of mediocrity for the poor, weak and uneducated.
Democracy is a government of last resort when the government has failed to achieve its
goals through its zombies, henchmen, guns and tanks.

Is there a way to turn your life around and enjoy the success you
deserve? Yes! Here are proven ways to become an extraordinary individual. Follow the 22
Steps to Success of Tradisia and go on to make the world a level-playing field for all in
your own way.
 | 1. Sever all ties with man-made organizations and
institutions. This doesn't mean abandoning your family and friends or living as a hermit!
Be non-attached. Be free and do what you ought to do. Free yourself from fears, lack and
limitations! Stop being a victim of society. Be a victor!
 | 2. Be only yourself, truly and completely. This
is the secret of success through the ages. Dont imitate anyone. Innovate. Dont
struggle against yourself. Dont be a member, follower, zombie or robot citizen. Give
up ordinariness and average-ness. Let the real you comes through. You are a
point of view, a unique species of life. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. The
more you are your true self the more life will reward you.
 | 3. Live without rules. In life, there are no
rules. All the so-called rules of nature are man-made. The universe is intelligent but
irrational. So are you. Nature recognizes no limitations, so why should you?
 | 4. Live without ambition. If you are ambitious,
you will need to be cruel, brutal, greedy, selfish, manipulative, opportunistic,
over-competitive, intolerant, violent and evil. The price of an ambition is too high.
Dont ever sell yourself short.
 | 5. Live with delight in helping on life's
purposes in your own way. Pursue happiness while developing character. Live each day with
passion as if it were your first and last. Laugh, sing, love, play, create, innovate!
Produce value in the lives of others.
 | 6. Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals.
Know what you ought to want. Then, go and get them. Reach for the stars and you will
achieve so much more. Express clearly what you want and go for it. Spend major time on the
important goals and minor time on the not so important ones. Whatever you pay the most
attention to will be realized first.
 | 7. Waste not, want not. Your time is your life.
Never waste time, money, energy, friends and other valuable resources. Live simply without
any excesses.
 | 8. True power is self power. Dont bother
about trying to control the lives of other people. It wont work. Don't judge or
discriminate. Develop your mind to its fullest potential. Within you is all the power you
need to succeed in life.
 | 9. Nothing is ever absolute. Everything is
relative and changes every nanosecond. All things are possible if you know how. Dont
let false beliefs control your thinking. Get uneasy and really question the existence of
 | 10. Take care of your health at all levels of
your being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Know and believe that your mind can heal
your body, that negativeness can cause illness, and that within you is an intelligent life
force that can heal all disease.
 | 11. Be an individual. Base your life on a
knowingness borne of personal experiences, not on the experiences, beliefs or standards of
other people.
 | 12. Meditate or pray to a higher power without
feeling being subservient. It is not who or what you pray to but HOW you do it. Prayers do
come true if you know how to pray well. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too
good to happen for you if you want it so.
 | 13. Be dedicated to your life task, stay focused
on your goals, and act with discipline. Deliberately and consciously and program yourself
for success. Where there is a will, there is a way. Will-power is the master key to your
personal success.
 | 14. There are no mistakes in life. Everything
happens for a reason. The pain, hurts and suffering are all parts of succeeding in life.
Understand the reason, learn the life lesson so that it never happens again.
 | 15. Follow your heart and instincts. Act on your
dreams. They can come true if you have faith and strive to do your best always. Have the
courage of your convictions, to be yourself, to stand on your own two feet, to do things
differently from others in your own style.
 | 16. Whatever you choose to do, do it exactly
right, not nearly right. Dream, plan, believe, achieve and perfect it. Be secretive about
your plans and ideas until you are ready to reveal them. Maintain secrecy or you will
become vulnerable, public, worn out and boring.
 | 17. Do the work you enjoy. Find out what your
talent is, develop it from an ordinary quality to an extraordinary level according to your
master plan, and have fun doing it. You are sure to become successful.
 | 18. You may be only one, but you are one
individual, not one member, not one follower, not one zombie or robot citizen. You can
change the world with the power of your pen.
 | 19. Be persevering, experience life without being
rash, hope for the best, and act with belief.
 | 20. Earn more than you spend. Produce more than
you would consume. But note that more or bigger is not always better! Live within your
means; delay gratification. Give more than you take.
 | 21. Love and be loved. Love truly, madly, deeply.
Love something or someone as if it/he/she might be lost. Love and you will never grow old;
you may die of old age but not as an old person.
 | 22. Adopt the battle-cry: I can, I will, I
dare, and I do! Accept no limits to what you can achieve and be responsible for. You
will grow up to be the best you can be. |
Individuals of the world, reclaim your life now.
It is time to reassert your natural rights to freedom, equality and prosperity. Live your
life your way. Make your own rules, Set your own standards. Be master of your destiny.
There is nothing to fear except the fear itself.
If after reading this far, you have learned no lesson, you remain as
troubled as ever, my friend.
Be an Individual. Being an individual is the easiest and the
wisest thing you can do to make your life a success. A true
individual is a giant among people. To be an individual,
think freely and do what you like to do. It is your life and you
have the right to live it your way! Go where you like to go and be
what you want to be. Live by your own beliefs based on your own
lifes experiences, not on the beliefs or standards of other people. |
You can exist on your own. Every child is a solitary person - an
'island' - until his parents, friends and teachers program false beliefs into his/her
There is a popular saying that
no man is an island. Well, all those people who stopped acting like an island
when they go through the school process longed secretly to be allowed to live their life
their way, anyway. Those people who say that 'no man is an island' are unknowingly
promoting the values that perpetuate the ills of the organizations and institutions.
True, we need each other. But we can only produce our best as an
individual, not as a member, not as a follower of any group. If you and other members have to suppress your beliefs or
creativity for the sake of the group, you are not operating at your optimum level.
Everyone is born to be free and
independent. Anyone who talks about the evils of freedom is promoting a falsehood.
Usually, the anti freedom campaigners are people who have not experienced freedom before.
They dont know what it feels like to be free and they hate it when they see
individuals having fun in life. It is just like a case of sour grapes.
True, things get done more efficiently and effectively when two or more
like-minded individuals cooperate but only when they do so as equals on equal terms.
Individualists are among the most
highly principled of people. Truly open-minded, non attached, and non-judgmental, they are
the best the human being can become.
All the
great people in history were great because they started out as individuals. As they become
successful, most of them get sucked into the politics, schemes and tyranny of the
organizational setup and lose their individuality.
So be an individual if you would
want to be successful in life. Individualism is the key to a long term personal success.
Many organizations are promoting facts as truths. Truth and facts are
different things. A truth is always a fact but what is a fact is not necessarily truthful.
God or life is a fact but as promoted by some organizations is not a truth. The secret to
a happy life lies in being able to freely distinguish a truth from a falsehood, a fact
from fiction, and the real from the unreal.
The universe is made up of
truths. Freedom, equality, prosperity and individualism are truths. If you cannot find
them in this world, it is not because they are lost. It is because you are lost! Come on.
Stop stabbing at your own heart. Stop being a member or follower. Be yourself, truly and
Be uncommon. Fight for the
improvement of all. The fellowship of humanity as taught by all the great masters will
remain a dream for as long as there are organizations and authority figures.
Break away from the cult of
mediocrity. Free yourself from the bondage of organizations and the trammels of
institutions! You count in life. Be free but focused.
I can, I will, I dare, and I do! What
about you? 
- Tan Kok Heng (Tradisia)

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