This one is for Manoj who is progressing from
ignorance to understanding through Science. The song playing in the background is
"Egyptian." Educated people tell the greatest lies. Yes, they do!

Do you know where you came from? Of
course, not, right? Some people, however, are crazy enough to think that they do. 
At school, we hear our teachers
talking about where we came from, how we were created. At home, our parents often harangue
us about our origins. Among
our more religious friends, we keep hearing persistent talk that we were created by their
God. Not any God, mind you, but their God! Such people!
 | Now the question is How do
they know where we came from when they were not even around? Answer: They dont! All those facts that they
are mouthing so confidently are not facts at all but mere hearsay or the beliefs of other
people. In a court of law, such hearsay evidence is not admissible because their veracity
is questionable. If the judge allows such evidence, there might be a miscarriage of
justice! And so it is with your life. You probably feel your parents, teachers and leaders
are unjust. And so they are! |

Why can so many people go about
repeating the beliefs of other people without checking or testing them out through their
experiences? Why can so many people go through life without having a personal point of
view? Why can so many people stop having a lively curiosity about the nature of things by
the time they finished their schooling? The
answer to these questions is that these people have been brainwashed. They have been
doctored with negative beliefs, materialistic attitudes and dogmatic thoughts.
is ever absolute. Everything is relative and changes
every nanosecond. All things are possible if you know how.
Dont let false beliefs control your thinking. Get uneasy
and really question the existence of everything. |
 | Many people have that awful habit of
propagating false knowledge. I dont think they do it purposely. They have been
brainwashed by authority figures and organizations, by their parents, their teachers,
their priests, their bosses, their leaders. People
like to claim that they are the most intelligent creatures on Earth even when it is easier
to trick humans than animals into promoting false beliefs. |
We often hear people say that their religion is the true one, the
best one, the right one. Do they know that for an actual
fact? No. Did they experience the whole thing? No. Did they have any first hand experience of God? No! Why then do
they persist in their ranting about their false beliefs? Simple. They have been
brainwashed since small by the authority figures they submit to without realizing it.
What do all these mean? Yeah, you
guess it. These people - your teachers, parents and friends - are merely repeating what
they have read from a book or what others have told them. Their knowledge is not firsthand
knowledge, but secondhand knowledge. They did not think out or experienced their ideas but
borrowed them from other people. In a court of law, this would be regarded as hearsay
Yes, it is amazing how many people
in this world chose to live their lives by the beliefs of other people. These are not
proven beliefs but largely unproven beliefs. 
Tan Kok Heng
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Any form of knowledge is a dangerous
subversion on your spirit unless it works
for you as proven by your own
personal experiences.
- Tan Kok Heng |
A man can fail to succeed many
but he is not a failure utill he gives up his dream.

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