one is for Janet who is learning how to forgive, understand and love. The song is Sailor
Moon's "You're yet still my love" - Not all luck is good, and not all good is
luck. If that is true, who wants to be lucky?

Tradisia is the business of life. Like me, it
is in a constant state of change - progressing forward and upward in our own ways. Nothing
is sacred. Nothing is absolute. Nothing is ever fully understood. Come on, grow with me.
This page is where I shall announce the
most recent additions to my web site. If you've visited before and want to know what's
changed, take a look here first.
I make frequent additions to my web site. The size of some changes may
astound some people. Yes, I can spend hours, even days, making love to one web page. There
is no stress or mess here because it is a labor of love. I am sure that you love many
people and things truly, madly and deeply, too.
Do you 'feel' successful and happy? If not, read
the articles in this web site of Tradisia carefully. You will find much useful information
and wisdom that you can apply to improve your life. There are no 'hard sell', no
advertising gimmicks, no dogmatic teachings. This is TRADISIA - the master plan to make
the world a level-playing field for all without discrimination.
Come back often because new knowledge is
constantly added to this site. You will grow up with me to be the best you can be. I make
it my business to make it so. I promise.
The most recent additions are not necessarily
listed first! :)) Click on the link to get the full details. Have fun!
If people are allowed to pay only for what
want, millions and millions of despots, law
officials, and authority figures will be
unemployed and will go hungry because
their work produces nothing of tangible value! |

These are the releases, products and services we've released
over the last year. You may want to search for topics by keyword.
-- Let's Change the System! - an essay
against authority figures, organizations and institutions.
-- How to be a Tradisian - shows you
the way to become the person you want to be, leading your own life your way, freely, truly
and abundantly.
-- Metaphysical Services - a Magickal
Prayers Service open to people of all faiths. The idea is to help people get what they
need in life, despite their faiths, circumstances and background. Where else can you get a
group of dedicated individuals to pray for your success in anything you want?
-- Personal Services - a range of
unorthodox services to help you to grow to be the best you can be.
-- Business Services - unconventional
services for small businesses at very competitive prices.
-- 'Successful Achievement' -
arguably the best US$4 (postage not included) self-improvement program for all youths and
adults today.
-- 'The Individualist' - Tradisia's
monthly journal of individualistic thought, freedom, success and happiness. 'The
Individualist' is thought-provoking, idealistically controversial and radically
insightful. We question the existence of everything, suggest innovative ideas, promote
creative living beyond the normal way of doing things.
Follow your heart and instincts. Act on your dreams.
They can come true if you have faith and strive to do
your best always. Have the courage of your convictions,
to be yourself, to stand on your own two feet, to do
things differently from others in your own style.
- Tan |

The examined life is not worth living. Anyone who has been around can tell you that
life is a sexually-transmitted disease. Life usually begins at middle age when one learns
to finally live in ignorance, without ambition, without fear or favor. Yes, it takes many,
many years to unlearn the false-to-fact beliefs we picked up during our childhood and
school years.

Coming your way... 
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