This one is for Meiseen whose consciousness is ever-expanding
with joy. The song playing in the background is "What about Love?" by Heart. It
takes a great deal of faith to walk on the water!
Will a life without rules lead to chaos and anarchy? No.
Definitely no. The argument is often put forward that if you remove the traffic lights at
a road junction, the traffic situation could get worse and there will be many accidents.
This is simply not true. It is based on fear, not on facts.
What would happen
if there are no traffic lights at a road junction? At first, there might be some chaos
since they are no lights to regulate the traffic and some motorists become afraid to cross
the junction. After some time, however, even after a day or two, the traffic along the
road will be smooth flowing.
Motorists will adjust to the new traffic situation and soon get the hang on how to cross
the junction. They surely will because the challenge will bring out the best in them.

It is a natural phenomenon.
Once they
adjust to the new situation as they will, the situation will return to normal. Not only
that, there will be much fewer traffic jams.
Amazing but true unless you are blinded by fears and false
Traffic lights cause traffic jams,
sometimes massive ones.
Really! Remove them, bear with the chaos for a short period, and then
watch how miraculously smooth flowing the traffic will become. 
Those people who
say that chaos will result from the removal of traffic lights simply have no first hand
experience of the situation.
I write from experience.
Not the experience of one road junction but many road junctions
over a long period of time where the traffic lights have been removed or stopped
'Life without rules' is like the traffic light
example. For a while, there might be chaos but people are not as stupid as politicians and
priests think they are. People will adjust to the situation and become more efficient,
more effective, and happier. They always do.
Freedom never leads to chaos.
The individuals who enjoy a high degree of freedom never abuse
their precious freedoms. Only those who have limited freedom will act irresponsibly.
Freedom leads to balance and harmony with the natural pattern.
- Tan Kok Heng
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If you want to grow up to become what you are meant to
be you have to sever all ties. This does not mean
abandoning your family or living as a hermit. Far from it! |
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"Of puns it has been said
that they who most
dislike them are least able to utter them."
Edgar Allan Poe

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