This one is for Dee who knows no limitation and is growing to
be what she wants to be. The song playing in the background is "Ob-La-Di
Ob-La-Da" by The Beatles. Marriage is the price men pay for sex; sex is the price
women pay for marriage.

Hi, Im delighted to meet you
again! :))
What shall we chat about on this
page? Politics? Boring. Sex? Interesting, but lets save it for next time. Success?
Okay, but from the individualist point of view. That is,
succeeding in life without rules or only a minimum of rules. Along the way, we shall talk
about happiness, love and other delightful stuff, too!
I have many ideas in my
head about succeeding in life without rules and I am going to share them with.
You may not agree with all that I say and that is all right. It
is not my style to impose my beliefs on you. I just act naturally, being the Tradisian that I am.
dedicated to your life task, stay focused on
your goals, and act with discipline. Deliberately
and consciously and program yourself for success. Where there is a will, there is a way.
is the master key to your personal success. |
Sometimes, I may appear to be persuading you to accept
the beliefs in Tradisia. You should not worry unduly about that
because Tradisia* is not an organization or cult. It is not an organized religion, not a
dogmatic system.
It has infinite possibilities and can mean many things to different people depending on
the situation. Read the other pages on this site.
If I appear to be preaching, that is only because I am
not yet a master of words and I still have trouble expressing my ideas and beliefs
clearly. Some people get the idea that I am a preacher. How can I be one when I am neither
a member of any organization nor a follower of any organized religion? Life without
Rules* - thats one of my mottoes.
If I sometimes contradict myself that is all right
because I am growing and am still undecided about some things. Everything is changing and
it is impossible to commit myself to a particular line of thinking when the facts are
still coming in, right?
- Tan Kok Heng
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From the day you were born and until your death,
you have to pay all kinds of taxes to the government.
In return, you get the right to live in the country,
the right to use the services provided by the
government at a price, the right to limited free
speech, the right to travel to certain countries, the
right to worship in a way approved by the government!
- Tan Kok Heng |

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Thinking is a very long way from
You think but you don't know, yet.
- Tan Kok Heng

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