Be persevering, experience life without being |
HOT MAIL is hot! It is about you
making extra money today. No limits. Anyone can do it! All you have to do is to distribute
copies of this money-making commission circular every week. That is all! Simple!
We need new names every day for
the mailing lists we supply to mail order dealers and firms around the world. This is our
computerized HOTLINE MAILING LIST of mail buyers and opportunity seekers. Impeccable
worldwide service since 1981! Having your name on this popular list will bring you many
exciting moneymaking and moneysaving programs and offers to your letter-box from other
To join in HOT MAIL, send US$8 + postage*.
Its an unbeatable bargain. You will receive ONE full year of listing in the Hotline
Mailing List AND the eight SUPER BONUSES below!
BONUS #1: One year of FREE
HOT MAIL dealership with your exclusive Dealers Account Number. You can start earning
commission income the same day you received them.
BONUS #2: A camera-ready copy of this money-making circular
so that you can photocopy or reprint additional copies cheaply in your hometown to
generate extra income.
BONUS #3: We will pay you a big commission of US$ for each sale you
personally make.
BONUS #4: You will also receive a referral commission of US$ for each
sale by your customers.
BONUS #5: You will also receive a further US$ for every sale made by
your customer's customers.
BONUS #6: You will receive a FREE Sub-Dealership promoting our best
money-making products and services in a Mail Order Income Opportunity. This part-time
'commission circular mailing plan' takes only minutes to do but can earn you a big income.
BONUS #7: You will receive a FREE mailing list of 30 names who are
prospects for this program.
BONUS #8: Finally, but not least, you will receive a FREE 'Mail Order
Dealers Survivor Kit'. A fabulous value item since it is being retailed in magazines
at US$10!
The total value of all the bonuses is about FOUR times the price you
are paying to join HOT MAIL. We can give them to you for FREE because we are the Prime
Source for all these items.
HOT MAIL is one of the easiest methods for making money in
Mail Order today. Start earning extra money the same day you received your 'Kit'! Complete
information and setup. Nothing else to buy! How much you earn depends on you. The more
people you get to join HOT MAIL, the greater your income. Your income will begin to
skyrocket when customers duplicate your efforts and get sales too.
ALL YOU NEED TO DO is to distribute or
mail this circular (and any circular of your choice) to people worldwide. Everyone is a
hot prospect. Nothing else to do! When your circular generate orders, commissions will be
credited to your exclusive account with us automatically by state-of-the-art computer
system. Every month, we pay you your commissions AND referral income when you have sales.
ORDER NOW! Get rich today! Free guidance in your own business by mail
or phone is available. You have really nothing to lose but EVERYTHING to gain.
To order for "HOT MAIL" (item #HM100), send US$12 (US$8 +
US$4 Airmail service).
You will be listed in one position in the Hotline Mailing List for one year. And you will
receive all the valuable BONUS items stated above. Don't miss out!
Order today by mail. Orders are processed same day received.
Send your name and address with payment by uncrossed Postal Orders/Money/Cash/Bank Draft
Name and Address
(Item #HM100)
This is an Ad Sheet with a unique Moneymaking
Plan. You will receive FREE typesetting, FREE c/r copy, FREE
'Print and Mail' service for 30 copies, Commission Income, Referral Income, FREE
Advertising, FREE Mailing List of 30 names, and FREE Reprint Rights to two business
Reports. To order, send your 'one-inch ad' or classified ad and US$12 ........#PA25
More details to follow soon...
A computer typesetting service for individuals
and small businesses for circulars, catalogs, letters, letterheads, forms, brochures and
books. Price: 1" ad. (max. 40 words) - US$3; 2" ad (max. 75 words) - US$5;
Letterhead - US$10; A4 size catalog - up to 350 words - US$20; from 351 to 600 words -
US$26; from 601 to 900 words - US$34. Prices include
design and artwork and three Laser c/r copies for you.
More details to follow soon...
HOTLINE MAILING LIST. This is a list of 3,000 freshest and hottest mail order buyers names. Everyone in this in-house list has bought by mail. An expanding list updated daily. Excellent for all opportunities. To RENT '#List A' once, send US$24 per 84 names. If you want to BUY and own the names, send US$48 for 60 names. ....#List A
TOP MAILING LIST. This is a mixed list of 10,000
buyers and opportunity seekers. Each name has responded to a mail order, direct mailing,
MLM or opportunity ad. To RENT our '#List B' once, send US$24 for 108 names.
To BUY and own the names in this List, send US$48 for 120 names .....#List B
More details to follow soon...
Remember what I have said above about helping you? If you are interested in using or starting any of these services, write to me. No venture, no gain.