one's for Renee who is reasonable, understanding,and fair with the neighbors. The song
playing in the background is "Wanna Be" by the Spice Girls. Develop your talent
and your natural genius will take over from there.
Politicians and authority figures like to talk about
law and order as being necessary for our society. They said that without law
and order, society will crumble and the world will be in chaos.

Are they referring to law and organization or law and order? I
suspect that law and order is merely a disguise for law and organization.
Contrary to popular belief, laws and
regulations do
create order; they are the tools of tyrants in asserting their power and controlling the
The justice system stinks because it
works to the benefit of the rich and powerful �lites.
It is time that we learn from the natural
pattern instead of merely getting by with such false-to-fact concepts as law and order. In
nature, what appears as an orderly pattern is, upon scrutiny, a chaotic pattern. 
we are having today is not law and order but law and organization. Remove the
organizations and the authority figures and for a while there may be what appears to be
After some time, the chaos will settle and everyone
will adjust to the situation and live responsibly cherishing their freedom and equality
and prosperity.
It is easy to confuse law and order with
law and organization because we have been conditioned through years of brainwashing at our
so-called home, at school and through the media that the organized life is better than the
unorganized one.
Authority figures often
cite the universe as an
example of order. The truth is
that the universe is unorganized
and irrational. Whatever laws
it may have, they are certainly
not absolutes since they can
be perceived differently
by different individuals. |
Unfortunately, this occult knowledge about
the irrational universe will not be readily available to students and the public. Why?
Because it goes against the
doctrine of the one god of the major organized religions.
It is like in the olden days when religious organizations oppose
scientific discoveries because they ran contrary to their doctrines.

It will be many years before the
information here will become generally available to the public.
Organizations are the same the world over whether they are
business, political, military, social or religious ones. They exist to protect their
selfish vested interests, without regard to the needs of all humanity.
- Tan Kok Heng
You are only one but you are one individual with
multiple skills, abilities and talents. Be your own self,
truly and completely, and you will succeed in life.
- Tan Kok Heng |
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