This one is for Gary who is moving confidently forward in the
business of living every day. The song playing in the background is "Paranoid"
by Black Sabbath. Reading can make you an educated person but it can also turn you into an
idiot or a mad person if you believe everything you read.
Some organizations are manifestly
more harmful and dangerous than others. The badness of organizations may not be
immediately apparent to you. This is because organizations spend huge sums of money to
promote a positive image telling the world that they are good and responsible corporate
citizens. They have the best political, legal and public relations help money can buy to
promote their image. If they are not harmful and dangerous entities then why spend a
substantial portion of their budget on public relations work?
You need to see beyond the
advertising words, beyond the media
publicity, beyond the smiling faces of the pretty models to see the truth of what is or is
not in an organization. They can fool some people some of the time but not all the people
all the time. They have a public relations department to influence as many people as
An organization is like a
packet of processed food product. On the outside, the packet looks impressive. The
colorful packing, the attractive illustrations, tempting pictures, motivating words,
positive messages, delightful smell and delicious taste. But if you look harder and read
the small print, you will note the many dangerous and harmful chemicals and synthetic
stuff that have been added to the product. If you go beyond the labeling information, you
will be shocked to learn how dangerous and harmful those ingredients can be to your
health. Many of the side effects of food preservatives, colorings, additives, and other
chemicals are only guessed at, not fully understood. The organizations that produce,
distribute, retail, authorize and allow them dont care as long they can get away
with it. Desperate entities will always find ways to avoid responsibility.
 | All organizations, without
exception, require their
members to follow THEIR rules and regulations. The severity of this encroachment upon
individual liberty depends on the setup of the organization and is often underestimated or
not appreciated. |
your heart and instincts. Act on your dreams.
They can come true if you have faith and strive to do your
best always. Have the courage of your convictions, to be
yourself, to stand on your own two feet, to do things
differently from others in your own style. |
 | Any restriction on your natural
rights will reduce your personal power and increase your failure potential. It is not to
be taken lightly! Beware of the hidden lingering negative effects of rules on your psyche
and luck potential. Rules are harmful and dangerous. |
 | The rules of membership in political, religious, educational, military
and professional organizations are very strict. They exist so that those in charge can
control and dominate the members for the good of the organization, not for the good of the
members, not for humanity, not for life. |
 | Arent democratic governments a
good thing for humanity? No. We must not be confused between democracy and democratic
governments. They are two different things. History books are full of the evil deeds of
democratic governments. Communism and democracy are opposing systems of thought. But there
are few differences in the ways democratic and communistic governments use their power.
The authority figures in
both types of governments are obsessed with showing off their powers and in enriching
themselves or their family members. Different methods ... but it is the same drive for
power at the publics expense. |
 | Power in the hands of anyone is
still power. There is no difference between the tyranny of a priest and that of a king. |
Evil, in any form, under any style,
is still evil. Everyone is capable of committing evil when they think they can get away
with it.
Tan Kok Heng
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