This one is for Deaira who is
attuned to Spiritual Power. The song playing in the background is "Without You"
by Celine Dion. The priests can say that marriage is made in heaven, but for many couples
and their children, married life is like a living hell on earth.
Only certain
types of people would become serious members of organizations. They are those who boldly seek power, material
wealth and fame. Others who would join are those who have been brainwashed into believing
that membership is a superior form of living.
Why do SO MANY people seek power, material wealth and fame? Because these seem like the surest ways to
gain happiness. It is easy for anyone to confuse happiness with power and wealth because
of the negative influences from the organizations that control the mass media,
advertisements, movies and music.
In the minds of many,
money is the #1 god since they can see its powers in action daily. It is the love of money that drives
organizations and people into a frenzy.
Most people have not experienced power or material wealth so they dreamed that these
are the surest ways to happiness. Those of us who have experienced power, material wealth
and fame know only too well that they do NOT bring happiness. That is why it is common to see the more
experienced people leaning toward the spiritual side of life. They have experienced the
evils of materialism and want NO part of it anymore.
Now, how do you tell the young that materialism is
harmful and dangerous when powerful organizations exist to promote such false-to-fact
concepts of happiness?
Today, organizations continue to promote naive
romantic materialistic ideas about happiness because there is money to be made. Money is
such a powerful motivation that many people will do anything to get their hands on it. You
better believe it.
Be dedicated to your life task, stay focused on
your goals, and act with discipline. Deliberately
and consciously and program yourself for success.
Where there is a will, there is a way. Will-power
is the master key to your personal success. |
The fortunes of many organizations depend on people
desiring power, material wealth and fame. As an example, take the cigarette companies.
They will do anything and everything to sell cigarettes. Even religious organizations will
accept money from organizations that promote vices and immoral activities. If you ask them about their double
standards, they will feign ignorance.
Money conquers all barriers, even the godly ones.  
Tan Kok Heng
In the present society, you are powerless as an individual. Why?
Because from birth till death, organizations and institutions
through their authority figures, are brainwashing you into a
sense of helplessness and powerlessness. These people include
your parents, relatives, teachers, priests, bosses, supervisors,
superiors, lawmakers, law enforcers, false friends,
bureaucrats, politicians and rulers.
- Tan Kok Heng

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I dont want money. It is only
people who pay
their bills who want that, and I never pay mine.
Oscar Wilde

The love of money is the root of all
1 Timothy 6:10
