one is for David who is clear, specific and and definite in his perception. The song is
"Vehicle" by Ides of March. There is only one religion but as many versions of
it as there are thinking people.

You are at your creative best when you are good
to yourself and to others. This means living according to the natural pattern, living
without any discrimination, without fears or limitations. Practice overestimating yourself
to bring out the best in you. Avoid negativity in your thoughts, emotions and actions.
They can prevent you from operating at your optimum level.

You are a unique species of life with a positive contribution to
make. Never lose your individuality to anyone, to any power, to any organization, to any
god. You are lost in life when you are not you. 
There are many organizations that are
engaged in work that are harmful to the world and its population. There are so many things
that are not right in society.
There are many
brainwashed people living submissively, passively, fearfully, obediently, foolishly.
Doesnt this make you want to puke?
Scientists and preachers are like rival gods competing for the
peoples soul. Their rivalries are making this world into a minefield of crimes,
diseases, poverty, drugs, wars, intolerance and pollution.
The world today has become so because of
what organizations did in the past. Our world is what it is because of our disregard for
the natural pattern. 
Every additional organization is like a milestone marking the
decline of human civilization. The past is littered with the milestones of harmful and
dangerous organizations all across the globe. 
Your religion, if it is to be true, must be personal
to you. This is the nature of things. This means
not copying the standards of other people, not
adopting the principles laid out by some writers
in their books, not believing anything except
through your own experiences. |
What will become of our world? What it will
become tomorrow depends on what we do today to make it a better place.
It is the duty of every one of us to strive to make the world a level-playing field for
all without
discrimination. Stop the constant
striving for personal gain and the blaming of all the bad things on life. Remember, you
can make a difference to the way things are if you only try.
You have the potential and power to make
the world either a better or worse place for all forms of life. You are alive, so, act
alive! The life force in you is a power to contend with - it can be a force for good or
evil depending on the state of your being. 
If you have been brainwashed by your parents, teachers,
preachers, elders, superiors, leaders or other authority figures, you are likely to be a
victim of societys ills.
If you are a member,
follower, zombie or robot citizen of some organizations, your dogmatic approach to
problem-solving will lead to many diseases, failures and miseries. If you believe that
money, fame, power or sex is the end of life you can become a negative influence in
society and die prematurely.
You will have great difficulty in adjusting to the realities of
daily living if you dont love anyone, anything, or your work, truly, madly, deeply.
As true individuals or Tradisians, you believe in complete freedom and accept unlimited
responsibilities for what you do.
Individuals are always looking out for one
another without preaching, without advertising,
without promoting any product. |
When you help others, you are ahead of yourself
and will mature as a true individual. 
- By Tan
Kok Heng
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Everyone is a bad example of something for someone so
no one is completely worthy or worthless, whichever
way you choose to look at it!
- Tan Kok Heng

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