This one's for Athool who behaves valiantly in the face
of social restrictions. The song playing in the background is Sting's "We'll Be
Together." It is better to have an evil we know than one we don't know.

I am going to write some of my thoughts here. There are no
rules about what I write in my journal. Anything that I decide to record is worth
recording for me and worth your time reading it.
My daily events, happenings, and thoughts are
recorded in a diary, a journal and another secret book. Anything that I can share with you
is in this page.
If you can find a use for my
thoughts, good for you! If not, hey, they are my thoughts and I just want to express
Watch out, world! 
 | Journal entry on 24/6/98 |
We have lost our humanity
We have lost our purpose
Now we are in danger of losing our individuality
Individuals of the world, assert your individuality!
 | Journal entry on 29/6/98 |
Knowledge is your friend but even a friend can
become your enemy. Beware! 
 | Journal entry on 12/7/98 |
Right now, ask yourself: do you enjoy your work?
 | Journal entry on 13/7/98 |
An idea like
Tradisia can become more acceptable;e if.....????
 | Journal entry on 18/7/98 |
The truth is within you, right from your heart. If you can't see
the truth, search your heart, not your conscious mind. The truth of things around you is
Don't know where you place your heart?
Read the pages in this web site. Look and you will find.
 | Journal entry on 20/7/98 |
Who decides what is desirable for the human
race? Politicians, priests, parents, scientists, generals? 
Science is powerful today and
extremely dangerous. Organized religion has resulted in untold misery, suffering and death
for millions of people. Politics is a load of rubbish... everyone knows that! Parents are
noted for their covert efforts to brainwash their children. Generals are associated with
extermination, eugenics, intolerance and subjugation on a massive scale.
 | Journal entry on 22/7/98 |
Organized religions are pseudo religions? My
experiences with them are that they are repressive, blatant, and habitually tyrannical.

I remembered Bertrand Russell said that religion is harmful AND
dangerous. His book on philosophy was the first book I ever bought with my own cash while
living on the streets as a homeless kid. I still have it today. It is called "Why I
am Not a Christian." Great stuff! A fantastic introduction to Philosophy! 
Later on, I bought many of his other books. It was money well spent!
 | Journal entry on 29/7/98 |
The instinct to worship a god is older than the
instinct for sexual procreation. Is that correct? 
Hmmm,... the instinct for worship is okay but we
must redefine the concept of of god. If God is life and the worship of life is to live
one's life fully for the good of all humanity, I am for it!
If not, then organized religion is a guise by one group of people
to extend control over other people! History is proof of this.
 | Journal entry on 18/8/98 |
I am feeling down and out just now. I just
heard some bad news from my Guardian Angel about 'Debonair'. Who is 'Debonair'? Why
'Debonair'? What about 'Ugo'? Drinking the
water from the 'Magi?' Whoa, Angel! It is such a big blow and I am writing my thoughts
here for the world to see. My eyes are red and my heart is in pain but I don't want to
dwell too long upon my grief. I hope to feel better by the end of this entry. Of
course, if you don't have a Guardian Angel, you won't know what I am talking about. If you
don't have a Guardian Angel, you are likely to be leading an unhappy and unfulfilled life.
Someone has said that one's sorrows will pass just as surely as
the drifting clouds. Just as surely as the rain that falls and nourishes the land and its
plants and animals, one's pain and hurts will pass. Just like the flowers that bloom every
There is a lesson to be learned from every experience. My mind
can understand but my heart cannot. I may apply to you, too. It takes time for our hearts
to understand what we consciously know. We need patience and fortitude over a period of
time to conquer the pain we feel in our hearts even if we are not aware of it.
Some people look to God for compassion and guidance when they are
in the dumps. But more often than not, God does not answer in the way they wanted. We try
to pacify ourselves that God will not forsake us in times of trouble, at least not
forever, but we know from experience that our idea of God does not often coincide with the
outer reality.
This world and its inhabitants are constantly injuring us with
pain, hurts and sorrows. Not for fun but to make us stronger and better equipped to help
on the purpose of life. As we are injured so we are healed by some ingenious means as we
produce our best efforts to overcome the difficulties. Pain, hurts and sorrows invariably
lead to repair, healing, and progress. We have to give nature a chance to work its magic
within our hearts and minds. This is my understanding of Faith Living.
I am feeling better already, Angel. The pain in my heart caused by
the 'Debonair' factor a while ago has been transmuted into a readiness for an affirmative
experience. It is back to work for me but you are downgraded to 'BBB' until this mess is
sorted out.
Journal entry on 22/8/98
All is well that ends well. That's right.
Everything is now back to 'AA' as before. There is a perfect
and happy ending to the above situation between me and my Guardian Angel. Life is,
as usual, truly wonderful, truly exciting, truly fantastic! I am blessed!!! Wowee!!!
Journal entry on 26/8/98
Like everybody else,
I have my share of nightmare experiences with unwelcome admirers. Recently, my stalker is
getting to be too much to handle! It's time to discipline her. It is no fun being stalked
especially by an obsessed love-sick psychotic woman. Take my word for it!
True power is self power. Dont bother about trying to
the lives of other people. It wont work. Don't judge or
discriminate. Develop your mind to its fullest potential. Within
you is all the power you need to succeed in life. |
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 | The present life is naught but a diversion and
a sport;
surely the Last Abode is Life, did they but know?
Koran 19:64

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