The world is such a big place. It is inexcusable not to have
someone |
True religion is a way of life that helps you to give
your all to grow
to be the best that you can be and enrich the lives of others.
A million individuals must have a million religions, no more and
no less. As it is today, millions of people live by the same religion.
Thus, they waste their own resources, waste
their lives, and waste their talents. When they reach the end of their lives, they are the
ones who die with fears and the regrets.
They could not die
peacefully without some priests blessing them, consoling them, persuading them that all is
well! What a farce organized religions are!
There are no mistakes in life. Everything happens for a reason. The pain,
hurts and suffering are all parts of succeeding in life. Understand the reason, learn the
life |
As a Tradisian or true individual, the whole
world becomes your country, all humanity your family.
work is very own personal religion and your daily life. Your life task is to help on the
purpose of the universe is your own way.
Go ahead and live your own precious life your way, not the way
your preacher, parents, spouse, boss or leader wants you to.
Well, every alert and thinking person knows from |
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A task without a vision is drudgery. A vision without
a task is a dream. A task with a vision is victory.