Authority, in any form, under
any excuse, is still an intolerant tyranny. Ultimately, it is the product of tyranny over
those who are weaker, slower, or poorer. |
Authority figures, including parents, elders, teachers, bosses,
priests, leaders, politicians, bureaucrats are tyrants. They have to be or else they
cannot run their organizations.
How else can anyone run an organization that thrives on the weaknesses,
failings and problems of other people? With love? Do vultures eat vegetables? Ha! Ha!
The premise for having organizations in society is all
wrong. It is like a case of perverted logic.
Many people think
that just because organized effort can lead to higher production it logically follows that
a person is more productive when working in an organization. It depends on the individual!
It is 'crazy' think that because the offices of a
company are 'neat and tidy' so neatness is necessary for success. It depends on the
Many people think that just because people
can do more when they are united it means that a person, acting alone, cannot do great
deeds. It depends on the individual!
Organizations are rich and powerful not because they are
organized but because they will do ANYTHING to get what they want by hook or by crook.
They can act unscrupulously because they
dont have a heart. Authority figures are part of the organizational setup. They and
their organizations are heartless. Period.
There is a mass of organizations and
organized beliefs that are causing harm to the world. Materialism, nuclear power,
globalization, the art of war, organized religion, communism, pornography, black magic and
the like - they are all dangerous stuff. It looks as if we are stuck with them.
It is no use wiping
them out because there are millions and millions of books and tapes on how to do these
things, start an organization, etc. It is like the dangers of nuclear power.
Authority, in any form, under any excuse, |
The dangers in knowledge will always be
there even if we destroy all the nuclear bombs. Knowledge about nuclear power can be found
in books and libraries.
The only way is to promote true individualism. This
means changing the 'system' and its organizations, institutions and authority figures.
Freedom rules okay!
Life is silent in nature. Oneness with life or a god is silent. |
Life does not cease to be funny when
people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.
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