Tradisia is "Life Without Rules!" Tradisia
is about Freedom, Equality, Prosperity, Duality, Quality, Simplicity, Nature, Money,
Success, Activism, God, Light, Life, and Love. Also, Friendship, Pen Pals, Music, Songs,
Health, Business, Reprint Rights, Copyright Licenses, Translation Rights, Books, Tapes,
Newsletters, Mailing Lists, Unique Products, Services, Dealership, Affiliates, Mail Order,
and Marketing. And, Luck, Personal Power, Metaphysics, the Occult, Cool, Coolz, and
Kool. No dues. No membership. No preconceptions. No dogmas. No discrimination.
Hi! Thank you for
visiting. There are no mistakes in life. Everything happens for a reason. You are not here
by mere chance. This web site is packed with educational content, philosophical insights
and, opportunities for personal growth and development. Find what you need to understand
your life backwards. Learn something potent today so that you can live forwards. When you
do, you have progressed! When you do not, you have stagnated. Thus, do not leave this site
unless you have learned something new, something useful, something that heightens your
senses today.
is full of chances. Tradisia is a Chance of Life that you can
covert to luck and personal success. Anyone who leaves this site without learning anything
new is not even trying to do progress in life.
This is a scrolling Marquee with the message:
"Welcome to Tradisia ~ Life Without Rules. I can, I will, I dare, and I do!"
I wrote this here in case your browser does not support this feature. :-)
Hi, Chance of Life! You are now
standing at the threshold of the infinite. Come on in to my world as
you are, as an individual. |
Be whatever you really want to be.
Do whatever you truly need to do. There are no rules, no dues, no preconceptions, no
dogmas in Tradisia. I, on behalf of all
that is true and good, accept you AS YOU ARE. Tradisia is
simply 'Life Without Rules!' Welcome! |
is where you will learn about news, ideas, tips, comments and much more that you cannot
find in the regular media, that your parents won't tell you, that the authority figures in
your world want to hide from you. |
Tradisia is your personal path to help you to grow up to be the best that you can be! Tradisia IS the business of life. Your life! |
Tradisia's mission is to help on
the purpose of life.
It is here:
1) to make the world a level-playing field for all without discrimination;
2) to spread truth, freedom, equality and
3) to promote individualism, non-conformism
and free thinking;
4) to counter the negative influences of
tyrannical authority figures,
organizations and institutions; and,
5) to help inform, train, educate and guide all
individuals grow up to be the best they can be.
Lets work together to break down the barriers that make this a crummy
world! Lets work for a LIFE WITHOUT RULES! Individuals
of the world, be yourself, truly and completely!
All theories are against freedom |
door to opportunity swings both ways - in and out. Don't complain that you never had a
chance if you haven't the guts to take a chance.
It is not any particular truth or dogma but your faith in life that keeps you going when the going gets tough. Never lose faith. You are here. You owe it to yourself to check out ALL the pages to see if this is your opportunity.
Everything is constantly changing, growing,
advancing, |
There are no atheists.
Everyone of us is a believer in something important, something that each of us can relate
to in our own way. God, |
Legal Copyright Licenses, Translation and Reprint/Reproduction Rights are available at bargain prices for the over 250 of my articles, essays, tapes, books, manuals, and for over 500 Reports in this site.
That is right. You get the complete item on a computer diskette in standard word processing or camera-ready format at a bargain price.
Piracy and copyright infringements make no economic sense when legal International Reprint/Reproduction Rights are available cheaply. Check out the Reprint/Reproduction Rights page for the full details. It will actually cost you much more to pirate than to buy the Reprint Rights!
Isn't it ironical? We are so near to nature but so far away from God. Truly, we haven't arrived yet as a specie! And yet, we continue to take pride in our organizations and their efforts to conquer nature,... to control those who do not think as we do,... to fill our pockets with dollars. Yeah, and we continue to boast that we are the most intelligent life forms on Earth! Oh, foolish are those of us who have a mind, body and spirit but do not use them intelligently. |
All the articles in this web site are copyrighted. If you would like any for your own private use or for posting at your site, please e-mail me and ask. Permission is free of charge unless you are an organization or are using the material for a commercial purpose. Thank you.